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Showing posts from October, 2017 blogpost by Suzanne Labry, October 2017

 I enjoyed working with Suzanne Labry for her thoughtful blogpost about my work. QUILT MARKET HOUSTON QUILT MARKET PORTLAND   Few objects are so loaded with meaning as a quilt, and it is hard to imagine another item that can encompass so many varied emotions. The quilt as an object can represent any number of things, both tangible—such as warm cover or wall art—and intangible—such as comfort or grief. As a medium for creative self-expression, the quilt offers seemingly endless options for articulating ideas, representing feelings, and working through internal issues.   Certainly that is what Erick Wolfmeyer has found with his painterly, abstract quilts. As he searches to know his origins—his mother relinquished him for adoption when he was seven months old. And he only recently learned the identity of his birth father (who died in 2005), Texas songwriter Jerry Lynn Williams —the quilt provides him a supple vehicle for coming to terms with his puzzleme...