Project started: August 2014 This is my latest, and most ambitious project to-date. It is a large-scale (6' x 8') self portrait quilt made of 1" squares. When finished, the quilt will contain more than 7,000 pieces - all scraps from my fabric collection. This is my progress as of February 27, 2015. July 11, 2015: Back at work in the studio after a 4 month hiatus. Added a few neutrals to my palette I found on a recent trip to Lake Superior. (Orchard's Edge Quilt Shop, Bayfield, WI and Hannah Johnson Fabrics, Duluth, MN) Getting rid of the former 8'x8' design board is a sacrifice, but have gained so much more space and sanity as a result of karate chopping it into oblivion. July 12, 2015: July 19, 2015: The top is finished in late September 2015 and on its way to my Amish hand-quilter. I expect it back sometime in the spring of 2016. This piece has been an incredible journey for me, taking over a year to ...