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Showing posts from February, 2012

Antony and the Johnsons "Swanlights" at Radio City Music Hall

"Why, how did we become so hypnotized by structures that we put in place, that they seem more permanent than nature itself...?"

October-December 2012, Material Men: Innovation and the Art of Quilting; LaConner Quilt & Textile Museum, La Conner, WA

La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum , 703 S. 2nd St., La Conner, WA The two quilts I am exhibiting:  Venus Transit, 2012 Humans Race, 2012

April 2012-January 2013, The Sum of Many Parts: 25 Quiltmakers in 21st-Century America; China Tour

A joint initiative of South Arts , Arts Midwest ,  Great Lakes Quilting Center , and the United States Embassy of Beijing, China ,  The Sum of Many Parts: 25 Quiltmakers from 21st-Century America  will tour a selected group of venues in China September 2012-2014.  Here are images of the other 24 quilters' work on Flickr . The exhibition will tour to six venues throughout China: Shanghai Museum of Textile and Costume at Donghua University  in Shanghai Yunnan Nationalities Museum  in Kunming, Yunnan Province Guangxi Museum of Nationalities  in Nanning, Guangxi Province Venue  TBD  in Changsha, Hunan Province Dalian Modern Museum  in Dalian, Liaoning Province Women & Childrens Museum, Beijing (TBD) The Sum of Many Parts: 25 Quiltmakers from 21st-Century America is a program conceived and sponsored by the United States Embassy-Beijing. The exhibition and its tour throughout the People’s Republic of China has been jointly develo...